Survival of the fittest. Only around 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood as they face numerous dangers including marine plastic pollution. The ceremonial releasing of hatchlings at Aboitiz Cleanergy Park last January 3, 2024, aims to raise awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and preservation especially in areas such as the Park which is a nesting ground for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle.
As we entered the new year, sea turtle eggs started to hatch from a nest at Aboitiz Cleanergy Park in Sitio Punta Dumalag, Matina Aplaya Davao City. One by one the hatchlings emerged from the sand ready to take on their journey to the sea.
These sea turtles or pawikan hatchlings came from the eighth nest found at the Park back on October 30, 2023. Initially found in an area where the eggs can be reached by sea water - a condition that can be detrimental to the eggs - they were transferred the next day to the hatchery to protect them from getting wet.
Out of the 171 transferred eggs, 159 eggs hatched after over 60 days of incubation. The hatchlings were released on January 3 and 4, 2024 by Davao Light and Power Co. Inc. (Davao Light), with various individuals, groups, and organizations namely, PEACE 911 of the Davao City Mayor’s Office, Vice Mayor’s Office, House of Hope Foundation for Kids with Cancer, Inc., Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) XI - Davao City Jail-Annex, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Station Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS), Department of Education Region XI, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Davao, and members of the Davao media.
To date, there are six more nests at the Park with eggs that are expected to hatch between January to March. The latest clutch of eggs was laid on the morning of January 10, 2024.

Natal homing. Sea turtle hatchlings move towards the sea after emerging from their underground nest. This is a critical period as the turtles imprint the geomagnetic signature of the area and use the information to return as adults 25 years later to reproduce.
Since the Park’s launch in 2014, 8,461 pawikan hatchlings from 79 nests have already been released. The ceremonial releasing of hatchlings aims to raise awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and preservation especially in areas such as the Aboitiz Cleanergy Park, a nesting ground for the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, only around 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood. As they grow into maturity, they face many dangers such as dehydration, predators including birds and crabs, and marine plastic pollution. Thus, conservation efforts such as mangrove tree planting, coastal clean up, and proper waste management are important.
The eight-hectare ecological preserve and biodiversity conservation site is managed by Davao Light and Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. It serves as Davao City’s Pawikan Rescue Center facility, a collaborative effort with the Davao City LGU and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region XI. It has a mangrove forest and is home to 106 species of endemic and migratory birds, and other marine life.