Davao Light and Power Co., Inc., together with the Aboitiz Foundation and the Income Credit Cooperative—an Aboitiz employee-organized cooperative, donated school supplies and hygiene kits to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) XI in support to DOLE’s Project Angel Tree.
Project Angel Tree is one of DOLE's projects that aims to gather and grant the wishes of child workers from a network of patrons and supporters of efforts against child labor. Services under the program include food, clothing, shelter, mentoring, livelihood, educational and medical assistance and other work and training opportunities for target child worker-beneficiaries.
"Davao Light has been supporting this program since 2015. We partner with DOLE in giving joy to children, who were forced into labor, through the simple gifts that can help them with their school and hygiene needs. This is to bring encouragement to the children in their pursuit for education, thereby giving them hope.” said AboitizPower Distribution Utility (AP DU) SVP and COO Anton Mari Perdices.
A formal turnover was done by Davao Light Chairman and AP DU SVP and COO, Anton Mari Perdices and Davao Light President and COO, Rodger S. Velasco to DOLE XI Regional Director, Raymundo G. Agravante last March 9, 2020 at DOLE XI office in Davao City. Davao Light will continue to support DOLE XI in their efforts against child labor in the city having in mind that every child has the right to have proper care and importance from other people.