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Davao Light Begins COVID-19 Testing for Employees

Now that Davao City is placed under General Community Quarantine (GCQ), Davao Light and Power Co., Inc. has started the rapid antibody testing to its employees including its third-party providers in preparation for their re-entry in the workplace.

Davao Light, in cooperation with the local government unit, the Department of Health (DOH), and the City Health Office of Davao, has conducted the testing to protect its workforce and at the same time ensure that they serve the customers with stringent safety.

The Rapid Test Kit (RTK) is part of the company's safety guidelines to screen employees for the COVID-19 virus as it opens its workplaces safely and continues providing essential services to its customers.

The testing is done in phases to employees who have been working as front liners. Medical professionals in their complete personal protective equipment (PPE) have administered the testing.

As Davao Light tread lightly into the new normal, strict safety protocols will be implemented in the offices and accredited service centers such as washing of hands, observing physical distancing in all work and common areas, and wearing of face mask or face shield.

Furthermore, in compliance with the Department Memorandum No. 2020-0220 on Interim Guidelines on Return to Work issued by the DOH, the AboitizPower Group has also implemented a well-thought-out way on how to screen and monitor the daily health of its employees who are returning to their workplaces.

The health monitoring is done through the 1AP Entry Pass App wherein employees, contractors, visitors, suppliers, and delivery men shall submit themselves by logging in to a web-based Daily Health Monitoring tool accessible to any mobile device upon entering to any Davao Light facility. Access will either be granted or denied depending on the information provided in the questionnaire that will be presented to the guard prior to entry.

This new method of health screening and monitoring does not only help in containing the spread of the virus but also reduce the carbon footprint from a lot of forms.

Davao Light is one with the city and the country in the fight against COVID-19.

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