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Davao Light Donates Almost P3M Worth of EIM Facilities, Tools, and Equipment

E Ramos NHS. Davao Light head Fermin Edillon turns over the key to the refurbished EIM laboratory at Emilio Ramos National High School.

Almost three million pesos worth of electrical laboratory facilities, tools, and equipment from Davao Light and Power Co. Inc. and Aboitiz Foundation Inc. are turned over to three (3) public high schools in Davao City and one (1) public school in Panabo City as of the first semester of 2022. This is in support of the K to 12 program implementation of Department of Education XI.

Don Enrique Bustamante National High School, Emilio Ramos National High School, and A.L. Navarro National High School are the recipient schools in Davao City while Don Manuel A. Javellana National High School is the recipient in Panabo City.

This project, dubbed as “e.Lab” or Electrical Laboratory, is a training facility for the Technical Vocational (TechVoc) Strand that caters to students who are interested to learn the skills in Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM). This facility will help prepare and equip the learners to acquire the skill of electricians that will open doors for employment once they pass the National Certification (NC) II.

DEBNHS. DepEd officials received the donated electrical tools and equipment from Davao Light at Don Enrique Bustamante National High School.

Gleenjay, a Grade 12 student from Don Enrique Bustamante National High School and one of the direct beneficiaries of the donation, expressed his gratitude to Davao Light on behalf of his fellow students, “Rest assured that we will use this opportunity to gain as much knowledge as we can so we can be productive members of our community.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Rueter Pineda Diel, the principal of Emilio Ramos National High School shared the vision of the school to produce National Certification II graduates and urged everyone to be selfless and hardworking to make their vision come true. 

AL Navarro NHS. Davao Light heads turn over the key to the refurbished EIM laboratory in AL Navarro National High School to DepEd and LGU officials

Additionally, Mr. Efren Butlig, the principal of AL Navarro National High School expressed his gratitude for the refurbished EIM laboratory, tools, and equipment they received. “Because this is the standard EIM laboratory, the students will learn the standard protocol as electricians, not only in handling the tools and equipment but also in handling themselves as professionals,” Mr. Butlig said. 

“Davao Light and DepEd XI have been long-term partners and we will continue to provide support in any way we can, especially in the area of education. I believe that we all know the importance of available and improved facilities to aid in the education of the next generation of leaders,” Fermin Edillon, Head of the Reputation Enhancement Department of Davao Light said. 

Davao Light and Aboitiz Foundation Inc. fully support DepEd’s aim to provide quality education which is also one of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

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