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News & Advisories

Davao Light Reminds the Public, Not to Place Advertising Materials on Electric Posts

Davao Light reminds advertising companies of Republic Act No. 11361 or the Anti-Obstruction of Power Lines Act to ensure continuous and unhampered power for its customers.

With the noticeable proliferation of advertising materials placed on electric posts, Davao Light and Power Co., Inc. (Davao Light) reminds businesses and advertising companies of Republic Act No. 11361 or the Anti-Obstruction of Power Lines Act.

RA 11361 ensures “uninterrupted conveyance of electricity from generating plants to end users, and protect the integrity and reliability of the country’s transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution systems by keeping the land beneath, the air spaces surrounding, and the area traversed by power lines clear of dangerous obstructions.”

Orville C. Lazaro, Davao Light Assistant Vice President for Engineering Operations explained that posters and tarpaulins placed and hung on electric posts pose several concerns on the side of the public and the electric distribution utility. “For one, it poses safety hazards. When these advertising materials detach and come in contact with our distribution lines then an individual accidentally touches the material or any electric conductor connected to these materials, electrocution may occur. Second is, unscheduled power interruptions will happen when there is any disturbance to the lines. Third, when the Davao Light crew needs to do upgrading or maintenance works, they may face some difficulty in accessing poles and lines with all these materials hanging. Lastly, if these posters cover our pole numbers, it will affect our operations because these numbers are critical to our service.”

Davao Light will continue to protect its lines and campaign against power line obstructions and hazards. “We want our customers to enjoy continuous and unhampered power, and so we ask the full cooperation of everyone,” Lazaro added. The company further asks the public to report to Davao Light any power line hazards and obstruction situations such as kite flying, planting of tall trees, installation of billboard tarpaulins, and all other activities that will possibly lead to power interruptions and pose safety hazards to the community.

Davao Light, an AboitizPower subsidiary, serves customers from the cities of Davao and Panabo as well as the municipalities of Carmen, Dujali and Sto. Tomas.

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