Davao Light July Residential Rates Update

Davao Light and Power Co., Inc.’s (Davao Light) overall residential electricity rate increased by P2.9601 per kilowatt hour (kWh) this July, bringing the rate up to P10.8973/kWh from P7.9372/kWh last June. A typical household consuming an average of 200 kWh per month will experience a P592.02 increase in their July 12 to August 11 billing compared to their previous billing.


The increase stemmed from the addition of the second installment of the staggered May billing of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) which the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) directed under Case No. 2024-017 MC. The ruling mandated all Distribution Utilities to stagger the collection from their consumers of the component of their generation charges arising from WESM purchases for the May 2024 WESM Billing Month in four (4) equal monthly installments, from June 2024 to September 2024.

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